Vitamix 5200 Standard C-Series
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Eating healthy is easy with a Vitamix 5200!
With your new Vitamix 5200 (or Vitamix 7500), you can make delicious and nutritious fat free meals with fresh fruits and vegetables. Create a super healthy lifestyle with green smoothies, whole food juice, cook soups, make puddings, purees and sauces. Create nut butters and nut milks, healthy desserts, raw food dishes, and a whole lot more.
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Performance | Warranty | Usability | Containers | Health & Nutrition | Best Price
Vitamix Review: Performance
At the forefront of blending power and efficiency, The Vitamix 5200 Classic Series delivers amazing power and incredible results. The blender’s 11.5 amp motor draws 1380 watts. Not only is the Vitamix 5200 capable of speeds up to 240 mph (37,000 RPM) it also provide slow speed blending of ~500 RPM. This slow speed and variable speed control is unique among blenders and allows for the ability to accomplish tasks such as chopping that most blenders can not.
It is with this advanced technology and engineering you can do virtually every kitchen task possible, including crushing ice, making frozen desserts, grinding flour, kneading dough, blending smoothies, creating nut butters, chopping vegetables and making hot soup!
Creating super smooth green smoothies is easy in a Vitamix. We’ve made over a thousand gallons of green smoothie using many different blenders. No matter the ingredients we put in the Vitamix or how much, green smoothies come out super smooth.
Blending Containers:
Vita-mix offers a variety of containers for your Classic blender to match your needs. The large 64 oz. container is standard but shorter 48 oz. and 32 oz. containers are also available. Unlike any other blender made for the home, Vitamix also offers a special dry grains container specific for frequently making your own flours. This is included in the Vitamix Super package.
When it comes to peace of mind and reliability, Vitamix reviews agree, no blender can match the history and coverage of a Vita-mix. Offering the industry’s best warranty, your purchase is covered for 7-Years and includes everything. Not only does each blender come with the best warranty but in most cases you can take advantage of their No Risk Guarantee and try your Vitamix Risk-Free for 30 days. Vita-mix has been making top rated performance blenders for over 70 years. Made and assembled in the USA, quality is guaranteed.
Every review tells the same story, these blenders are made to perform big and to last a long time doing it. If anything were to "go wrong" with your Vitamix it is very easy to deal directly with the US based company to get quick results. It is not uncommon for a Vitamix to continue to perform like new after 20+ years of regular use.
Usability and Clean Up
In reviewing a blender, quite likely the most important aspect is to look at is how easy it to use. Not only are you getting an advanced and powerful blender but Vitamix blenders are known for how simple they are to operate and how easy they make it to learn how to get tasks done quickly and efficiently.
Each task is controlled via a switch and a dial. With the variable speed dial you have complete control over the speed and duration of blending your creations. Likely the most advantageous feature of the Vitamix is its tamper. For thick creations with no, or limited. liquid, every Vitamix blender comes with a unique tamper that fits in the container giving you the ability to safely push ingredients into the moving blade while quickly resolving cavitation. This is a great advantage if you make nut butters or frozen deserts or simple want to chop veggies.
Every 5200 comes with a user manual as well as a recipe book and a DVD so you can watch how to best use your Vitamix. Clean up is easy too! After emptying your container, simply add hot water and a little detergent and blend.
Vitamix Health & Nutrition
The greatest benefit to owning a Vitamix is less apparent. Most reviewers miss this point. Since the family owned company is focused on helping people create a healthy lifestyle, it is no surprise that having a Vitamix provides you with the knowledge and power to improve health and quality of life for you and your family.
Every container is BPA-free and is designed to maximize food processing tasks so that the end results are healthy. The incredible power minimizes oxidation and is able to break through cell walls making the nutrition in your food more readily available for your body to use.
Each purchase also comes with a recipe book full of incredibly delicious and healthy meals you can make in your blender. No healthy kitchen should be without one.
Vitamix 5200 Best Price
With our Vitamix promotion code links and 30-day no-risk trial in your home, you can’t afford not to try a Vitamix 5200, or any other model, for yourself. Vitamix Reviews are raving. Take control of your health and create a better life with a Vitamix.
Multiple Vitamix 5200 packages are available to fit every need. You can also take advantage of Extended warranties and payment plans.