One Spirit Weekend




Where we ALL come together as AWAKENING LEADERS

$100 off registration for the One Spirit Weekend

This weekend provides the space for individuals to learn, connect, celebrate, expand, heal, and realize the power of One Spirit Consciousness, all in the embrace of Sedona’s natural beauty.

RECEIVE insights from leading authorities in the fields of self-empowerment, vibrant health, conscious business and Spirituality
REPLACE limited thinking and beliefs with the latest empowerment tools and transformational approaches
SHIFT your consciousness to improve every relationship and make a difference in your community
LEARN how to live financial and spiritual abundance in all areas of life
AWAKEN your body and with life-enhancing yoga, meditation, chi gong, sound healing, dance and more
CONNECT with like-minded individuals and build lasting personal and professional relationships
EXPLORE the healing & energizing benefits of vegetarian and raw food cuisine catered by the worlds’ finest chefs
EXPAND your Spirit during a Tribal Earth Dance Celebration under the starlit Sedona Sky
EXPERIENCE how it feels to be supported in reaching for your highest potential
ENGAGE your senses with the live musical offerings of many talented musicians
EMBRACE the serenity of mother nature with fresh air, warm sun and healing vortexes
Step into a vibrant, healthy, integrated, and confident NEW YOU!!!

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