Blender Review and Resource Center

Welcome to Got Greens Blender Revolution. We are a family dedicated to blender education and after 15+ years, we have become an authority on how to choose the best blender for your needs and how to get the most out of your investment whether it be a Vitamix, Blendtec, or any ole $50 blender. Thank you for joining us. ♥ Shawna, John & Jonathan
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  • Fresh Yacon

    It looks like a sweet potato, but it tastes like…well, it’s refreshing and succulent and crisp. It touches the lips like a cool kiss from a raindrop. Yacon is sweet, yet subtly so. It is reminiscent of a jicama and also a sunchoke. Tonight we enjoyed some slices of it and then put the rest of it in the dehydrator to make “chips”.

  • The Green Smoothie Recipe

    Green Smoothie Recipes are simple – Greens, fruit, water, and blend. If it’s green, leafy and edible, it’s pretty much a guarantee to be good in a green smoothie. There are endless recipe making possibilities.

  • Green Smoothie Kids

    Children love green smoothies! Children of all ages enjoy green smoothies! And why not? Kids haven’t yet learned that greens are "yucky". One of the most common questions we hear is "How…

  • How to Make Green Smoothies

    Simple, Fun, and Great for You! So simple to make, the hardest part is getting started.

  • Green Smoothie Details

    So, you are a green smoothie lover, eh? What more do you need to know? Here are a few things to keep in mind as you continue your green smoothie indulgence.