V-Great Green Smoothie

Veggie Green SmoothieThe vast majority of green smoothie recipes are sweet with lots of fruit in them. This is simply because most people like things sweet and if they are going to drink their greens they want it to be sweet. But a sweet green smoothie is by no means a requirement.

We get requests for green smoothie recipes and ideas. Yesterday I began my green smoothie routine by adding chia seeds and goji berries to some water in my Vitamix to soak while I got the rest of the ingredients together. As I was pulling out the greens I had a strong desire for a V-8 type of drink, something savory rather than sweet. So I dug out some left over tomatoes and a bunch of veggies from the fridge.

The resulting green smoothie was fantastic. The goji berries added a nice balance to the acid in the tomatoes. Now it was thick, chock full of fiber unlike the popular V-8 drink (and with a lot more greens).

V-Great Green Smoothie Recipe

– 1 cup water
– 1 TBS chia seed
– 1/3 cup dried goji berries
– 1 small tomato
– 2 cups crushed tomatoes
– 3 medium carrots
– 1 large celery stalk
– 4 kale leaves without stems
– 2 cups spinach
– 1/2 large cucumber

Blend this savory goodness until smooth. It makes about 48 ounces. You might want to add more water to have it be thinner and salt may be required for those that are used to salt in their savory drinks. Remember, this will be a thick fiber full smoothie but oh… so delicious!

Do you enjoy savory green smoothies?
What is your favorite recipe?


Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

January 23, 2012 at 12:17 pm

Do you REALLY mean 32…32…carrots?

January 23, 2012 at 12:43 pm
– In reply to: Lenore

Nope – that was a typo. It’s 3 (three)

Thank you Lenore!

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